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Why Gaoleaf?

  • Health Benefits: Gaoleaf tea is an organic, plastic-free option, avoiding the risk of consuming up to 11.6 billion microplastics often found in plastic tea bags.

  • Superior Quality: Sourced directly from China's renowned tea regions, Gaoleaf offers a range of high-quality, certified organic teas, far surpassing the quality of standard tea bags.

  • Enhanced Flavour: Our loose leaf teas provide richer, more complex flavours compared to the low-grade scraps typically found in tea bags.

  • Eco-Friendly: Choosing Gaoleaf helps reduce waste, offering an environmentally responsible alternative to plastic tea bags.

  • Economic Value: Gaoleaf teas can be infused multiple times without losing flavour or strength, offering greater value than single-use tea bags.

  • Authenticity and Support: Our direct sourcing model ensures fresh, authentic teas while supporting local tea communities in China.

  • Customisable Experience: Gaoleaf's loose leaf teas allow you to personalise brewing strength and flavour, providing a tailored experience not possible with standard tea bags.